1. 环境准备
开发工具:Visual Studio Code或PyCharm(用于编写和调试代码)。
2. 安装Python和虚拟环境
python --version
python3 -m venv spiderpool_env source spiderpool_env/bin/activate
3. 安装必要的Python库
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 pymongo flask sqlalchemy psycopg2-binary redis
4. 设计数据库结构
tasks 表:存储任务信息(如任务ID、任务类型、目标URL、创建时间等)。
results 表:存储爬虫结果(如抓取的数据、错误信息等)。
spiders 表:存储爬虫配置信息(如爬虫名称、爬虫脚本路径等)。
logs 表:存储爬虫日志信息(如执行时间、执行状态等)。
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Text, DateTime, Sequence, ForeignKey, Table, MetaData, Index, event, and_ from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker, scoped_session, declarative_base, backref, Session, joinedload, selectinload, lazyload, contains_eager, subqueryload, select_from, with_polymorphic, aliased, joinedload_all, subqueryload_all, selectinload_all, mapper, column_property, class_mapper, relationship as rel_orm, object_session, object_mapper, with_expression as with_exp_orm, with_hint as with_hint_orm, with_options as with_options_orm, with_labels as with_labels_orm, with_lockmode as with_lockmode_orm, with_options as with_options_orm, with_labels as with_labels_orm, with_lockmode as with_lockmode_orm, with_clause as with_clause_orm, and_, or_, not_, unionall as unionall_orm, unionselect as unionselect_orm, union as union_orm, except_, intersect_, except_, insert as insert_orm, update as update_orm, delete as delete_orm, from_, select as select_orm, table as table_orm, text as text_orm, func as func_orm, cast as cast_orm, distinct as distinct_orm, join as join_orm, alias as alias_orm, subquery as subquery_orm, label as label_orm, case as case_orm, extract as extract_orm, over as over_orm, window as window_orm, partition by partition by _orm) from sqlalchemy import createEngine from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert from sqlalchemy.sql import table from sqlalchemy.sql import select from sqlalchemy.sql import update from sqlalchemy.sql import delete from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_, not_, unionall from sqlalchemy.sql import unionselect from sqlalchemy.sql import union from sqlalchemy.sql import except_, intersect_, except_, insert from sqlalchemy.sql import update from sqlalchemy.sql import delete from sqlalchemy.sql import from_, select from sqlalchemy.sql import table from sqlalchemy.sql import text from sqlalchemy.sql import func from sqlalchemy.sql import cast from sqlalchemy.sql import distinct from sqlalchemy.sql import join from sqlalchemy.sql import alias from sqlalchemy.sql import subquery from sqlalchemy.sql import label from sqlalchemy.sql import case from sqlalchemy.sql import extract from sqlalchemy.sql import over from sqlalchemy.sql import window from sqlalchemy.sql import partition by partition by _orm) from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import Table from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData from sqlalchemy.schema import Index from sqlalchemy import event from sqlalchemy import and from sqlalchemy import or from sqlalchemy import not from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql from sqlalchemy.dialects import sqlite from sqlalchemy.dialects import oracle from sqlalchemy.dialects import mssql from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql 800 801 802 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 # ... other dialects ... # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) # (more dialects can be added here) Base = declarative base () class Task(Base): __tablename__ = 'tasks' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='tasks__id') task type = Column(String(50)) target url = Column(String(255)) created at = Column(DateTime default=func now()) class Result(Base): __tablename__ = 'results' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='results__id') task id = Column(Integer ForeignKey('tasks id')) data = Column(Text) error message = Column(String(255)) class Spider(Base): __tablename__ = 'spiders' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='spiders__id') name = Column(String(50)) script path = Column(String(255)) class Log(Base): __tablename__ = 'logs' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='logs__id') task id = Column(Integer ForeignKey('tasks id')) created at = Column(DateTime default=func now()) message = Column(Text) engine = createEngine('postgresql://user:password@localhost/spiderpool') Base metadata = MetaData() metadata bind = engine metadata create all tables = True metadata create tables () session maker = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = scoped session() class TaskORM(Base): __tablename__ = 'tasks' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='tasks__id') task type = Column(String(50)) target url = Column(String(255)) created at = Column(DateTime default=func now()) def add task self session task: task = TaskORM task type=task type target url=target url session add task commit () def get tasks self session: return session query TaskORM order by created at desc limit=10 all () class ResultORM(Base): __tablename__ = 'results' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='results__id') task id = Column(Integer ForeignKey('tasks id')) data = Column(Text) error message = Column(String(255)) def add result self session result: result = ResultORM task id=task id data=result data error message=error message session add result commit () def get results self session: return session query ResultORM order by created at desc all () class SpiderORM(Base): __tablename__ = 'spiders' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='spiders__id') name = Column(String(50)) script path = Column(String(255)) def add spider self session spider: spider = SpiderORM name=spider name script path=spider script path session add spider commit () def get spiders self session: return session query SpiderORM all () class LogORM(Base): __tablename__ = 'logs' id = Column(Integer primary key=True sequence='logs__id') task id = Column(Integer ForeignKey('tasks id')) created at = Column(DateTime default=func now()) message = Column(Text) def add log self session log: log = LogORM task id=task id message=log message session add log commit () def get logs self session: return session query LogORM order by created at desc all () if name == 'main': engine create all tables () # ... other code ... # This is just a simplified example of the database design and ORM mapping using SQLAlchemy for Python # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # You may need to adjust the design and mappings according to your specific requirements # ... other code ... # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # Remember to replace 'user', 'password', and other placeholders with actual values for your database configuration # ... other code ... # This is a simplified example of how you might set up your database using SQLAlchemy in Python # In a real-world application you would likely have more complex relationships and constraints between your tables # In a real-world application you would likely have more complex relationships and constraints between your tables # In a real-world application you would likely have more complex relationships and constraints between your tables # In a real-world application you would likely have more complex relationships and constraints between your tables # In a real-world application you would likely have more complex relationships and constraints between your tables # ... other code ... # Remember to handle exceptions and errors properly when interacting with the database in a production environment # Remember to handle exceptions and errors properly when interacting with the database in a production environment # Remember to handle exceptions and errors properly when interacting with the database in a production environment # Remember to handle exceptions and errors properly when interacting with the database in a production environment # Remember to handle exceptions and errors properly when interacting with the database in a production environment【9HJJH87234KWLXKL】